Since the launch of P4 in Ghana five years ago it has been our mission to spread awareness about Pilates in West Africa.
We have partnered with Merrithew (www.merrithew.com), Leaders in Mindful MovementTM, to become West Africa’s first Host Training Center for Pilates instructors.
Merrithew’s Pilates training and equipment are sought-after by clients across industries around the world, from fitness and wellness to rehab, health care and hospitality.
Our first instructor training course led by an international STOTT certified was an Intensive Reformer course in 2022 with 6 trainees.
Merrithew offers over 150 STOTT PILATES workshops
globally, taught by 260 Instructor Trainers at 200 Training Centers, is recognized by high-level industry accreditation bodies, including The Register of Exercise
Professionals and the American Council on Exercise.